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Bia Cultures

4x Spicy Komatsuna

4x Spicy Komatsuna

Praghas rialta €30,00 EUR
Praghas rialta Praghas díola €30,00 EUR
Díolachán Díolta amach
Cáin san áireamh. Ríomhtar an seoladh ag an tseiceáil amach.

Spicy Komastuna is a wonderfully spicy and tangy kimchi inspired jar full of flavour and complexity. 

Komastuna, originally found in Japan and part of the Brassicaceae family, it has a strong flavour similar to other mustard leaves. Luckily for us the Komastuna leaf grows superbly in the Irish climate.

We always buy from local suppliers, organic when possible.

Contact us if you are looking to buy a bigger size jar.

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